
C. L. Engel, 1820s; E. B. Lohrmann, 1845s, Viljo Revell ja Heikki Castrén, 1960s; Ernst Theodor Granstedt, 1880–90s

In 2016–2017, Mustonen Architects Ltd. first prepared a historical survey on the development of the Kaarti kasarmi block, followed by concise building historical surveys on the 1960s office wing, red brick buildings of the late 19th century and the central pavilion building built in the 1960s. The processing of the dataset has complied with security requirements and our personnel have been subject to a security clearance.

The Kaarti kasarmi block in Helsinki is one of the oldest public spaces in the country and an important city space in Helsinki. The Kaarti kasarmi block and its buildings are owned by the Finnish State and are managed by Senate ­Properties. The block is used by the Finnish Defence Forces and the Ministry of Defence.

The Kaarti kasarmi block was built as military barracks, the first buildings of which were completed in the 1820s­. The current building stock consists of two partially preserved barrack buildings (C.L.Engel, 1824; E.B. Lohrmann, 1840s), two red-brick barrack buildings of the 1890s (Ernst Theodor Granstedt, 1889 and 1890) and office buildings and central pavilion of the 1960s (Viljo Revell and Heikki Castrén).

Survey maps portray the construction stages of the block and its buildings and courtyards from the beginning of the 19th century to the 21st century. The long timespan of the block and its buildings has required a comprehensive investigation. The history of this complex is an integral part of helsinki’s urban planning history.

city block historical survey, 2016
Mustonen Architects Ltd.
contractee Senate Properties